+ What types of Cigars do you have?
We have multiple lines from multiple regions. But overall we sell cigars manufactured in Nicaragua, Honduras, The Dominican and the USA. Our sizes range, and we have speciality cigars introduced often.
+ What are the bonus cigars with your subscription model?
These are either new cigars not on the website, a selection from our specialties line...or one of our branded lines that is not included in the subscription. No matter what, you'll be happy!
+ Can I get my order right away?
We only ship out orders on the 1st and 15th of every month. If you order on the 2nd, it will be shipped out on the 15th. If you order on the 16th, it will be shipped out on the 1st. Keep that in mind when ordering in case you want it sooner!
+ Can I get a discount or promo code from you?
Shipping is FREE on our site for all provinces! Also, sign up for our newsletter. Every month we send out a newsletter with news, promo codes, and insight into the Bevs & Burns brand!
+ Where do you source your cigars?
We work with amazing partners in Canada and the US to manufacture cigars from Nicaragua, Honduras and The Dominican Republic. We work with high end factories that have been in the business for many years.
+ Can I choose a different option or quantity that's not on the site?
Yes, contact us for special orders, we would love to connect!
+ Can I change up the cigars in my Subscriptions?
Our subscriptions can not change, what's in the pack is what you get! Look for new packs being introduced, you may find what you're looking for!
+ How do subscriptions work with E-transfer?
Each month we will prompt you with an email to E-transfer the amount for the pack you have selected. Credit Card processing will be automatic, but you may cancel anytime!
+ Are you coming out with new cigars?
Yes, every quarter we come up with new ideas. Based on the products we can receive from the south, we create new brands and additions to our product inventory! Sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop!
+ What's the difference between Long Fill and Medium Fill?
Most of our cigars are long fill, depending on size and region. But some are a mix of regions, so they use a mix of fillers which is called "Medium". Quality doesn't change, just the name and process!
+ Will you be introducing spirits and alcohol beverages?
In 2023 we are introducing coffee, bitters, and small spirit samples to our portfolio! Sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop!
+ How can I get involved?
We are always looking for great partners. Drop a line, and let’s talk. We love reviewers, influencers, and resellers!